• Listen to the LMN podcast using Castbox

    As well as on all of these platforms:


    Anchor - Apple Podcasts - Google Podcasts - Spotify -


    Breaker - Castbox - Overcast - Pocket Cast - Radio Public

  • the LMN podcast

    The point of this

    We talk about startups, marketing, and logistics i.e. finding ideas, validating them and executing their existence. Discussing ideas and trying to learn something in the process

    Who's it for?

    Primarily for people who care about logistics, marketing and startups. I suspect people who want to know more about these topics and might be trying their own ideas.


    The fact of the matter is the world is definately changing the way it demands products, how value is communicated and how its delivered. We try to figure out how all of this works and how to progress an idea (like one of the projects we come up with to work on)

    The details

    The mission: understand ideas, people and validate ideas


    The vision:

    1. Build a repository of information for logistics and supply chain,
    2. Build a network of people who know we can talk and can validate ideas,
    3. Build a better industry by bringing good technology to SMEs


    The goals: make logistics cool and throw the biggest logistics event imaginable


    The milestones: Learn how to beat Jesse, Buy a set of golf clubs, Play golf weekly, Do a lap of the world talking about ideas, playing golf and exploring how people solve problems

    Where is the podcast available?

    the new season will be posted to the following channels

    Anchor - Apple Podcasts - Google Podcasts - Spotify - Breaker - Castbox - Overcast - Pocket Cast - Radio Public

  • Blog posts linked to podcasts

    Another day and another conversation about logistics and talking to people who are curious about what is ‘logistics and supply chain’ how it all works. So, in the name of efficiency (a sound supply chain practice… see we are learning already), here is the 101 of what is L&SCM (that’s a bit more...
    Want to learn how to code? There’s a free course on LinkedIn for that. Want to learn how to throw a boomerang? You might be able to learn from this YouTube Video. Want to learn how to make a Caveman steak? Simple - watch this! (mmm delicious!) Want to learn how to write a macro in MS...
    Here’s the thing, when it comes to logistics and supply chain, the perception right now... isn’t great. It’s not a sexy subject, its unknown, its hidden in a corner and generally ignored. But that needs to change because we are living in a point in time where the most exciting confluence of...
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