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  • Blog post related to events

    18 de junho de 2018
    There you have it, the last mile is delivering as fast as possible, if it was in athletics it's the one trying to be Usain Bolt. If it’s in the supply chain, your working out how fast can you get those shoes from start to end… so pretty similar to what Mr. Bolt is doing.   This part of the...
    13 de junho de 2018
    Waste is not easy to talk about, it's not sexy, it's not cool, it’s the opposite of all of those things. It seems like a waste of time to talk about waste… but it is very important part of our lives. Could you imagine if all of the garage truck operators and cleaners went on strike tomorrow? It...
    9 de junho de 2018
    What is an Ideathon? What is an idea? It’s a thought or suggestion to a possible course of action. In logistics, you need lots of ideas, your entire job is to figure out what the next step is, what action to take in so that you stay on course. What is a hackathon? according to google: an event,...